Saturday, January 7, 2012

Forshaw Day

I chanced upon the name of Forshaw Day recently and found my search into his artwork interesting.

Day was born in London, England in 1837, and he studied architecture and design in the Royal Dublin Society, in 1857 and he emigrated to Canada in 1862.

Rather then writing all the information about Day, I will let you click here to read it for yourself on Wikipedia.

The picture below, from the National Gallery of Canada, has certain stylistic characteristics which can be seen in his paintings.
His brushwork is carefully executed. He has a delicate touch for small details.  His tonal values are generally in the mid range to light range, and his work has a soft rendering of light in the trees. Click on the picture to expand its size.

If you click here, you will see a gallery of 6 rotating pictures in the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.

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