Monday, October 26, 2009

Johannus Boots

The Dreaming

Johannus Boots, in 'The Dreaming,' takes us beyond our ordinary lives, into a spiritual world. He blurs the present with the past, and he reminds us that what we have today, was the birthright of people who lived long ago.

In the above painting, we find a beautiful woman of European descent lying asleep with the face of a benign and kindly native man looking over her, like a guiding spirit.

In this work, as in many, Johannus delights in contrasts. His viewers switch back and forth between the temporal and spiritual worlds.

Everything lives and breathes and works in harmony in Johannus Boots' spiritually infused world. The standing woman, for instance, in the work above, becomes one with the tree. Her arms become its branches and she holds the moon abover her in an attitude of reverence. And, the tree, of course, is an ancient symbol of life.

As you journey through many of Johannus Boots' works, you find this theme reoccuring as he presents us with a world where animals, people, and children look mysteriously, from within the shapes of rocks and trees.

Johannus Boots gives us a kinder and more loving, pantheistic world of peace, harmony and natural coexistence.

Please join Johannus by clicking on this line to view his website.

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