Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ronald Bloore and the Group of Five

White Paintings Represent Freedom for the Viewer - Rob Bloore

Kenneth Lochhead, Art McKay, Ted Godwin, Doug Morton, Ronald Bloore were Regina based artists in the 1960's. They received national attention after their paintings were presented by the National Gallery of Canada.

The Regina Five were a group because of where they lived and because of the experimentation of their work, but not by adherence to a common program. Such a notion would have been unthinkable to Bloore who, for more than thirty years, has pursued a rigorous and personal direction. In his catalogue statement for the "Five Painters from Regina," he wrote: "I am not aware of any intention while painting with the exception of making a preconceived image function formally as a painting. By this I mean that the appearance of each work has been consciously determined in my mind before executing it, and the general concept is not significantly altered by the requirements of material limitations."
from the website of the late artist Ron Bloore. Please click here.

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