He travels the world over photographing in remote locations where he captures dramatic impressions of nature, breathtaking scenery, and sensational animal pictures. He is frequently commissioned by governments seeking to increase travel and interest in their countries and has filmed and photographed in North America, South America, Galapagos, Africa, Europe, New Zealand and Asia.
He specializes in North America and has spent more than seven years following the seasons capturing images in Canada, Alaska, and in the USA before moving to British Columbia, Canada

"I'se the b'y that builds the boat
And I'se the b'y that sails her
I's the b'y that catches the fish,
And takes them home to Lizer.
Hip your partner Sally Tibbo
Hip your partner Sally Brown
Fogo, Twillingate, Morton's Harbour,
All around the circle."
"Newfoundland Folk Song, I'se the B'y"Thanks to Rolf Hicker for this beautiful photograph from near Twillingate, Newfoundland. Please click here to see Rolf's collection of Canadian works.
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