This delightful work reveals Alex Fong's, playful sense of composition and his masterful feel for colour.
Its a partially abstract work, but yet its easy to see yourself looking into a garden pool and seeing goldfish or koy swimming. And its not hard to imagine that you are looking at a map of the universe, complete with galaxies, planets and stars.
Its one of those works which matter not, what you see. Nobody is going to walk away after seeing this, with a feeling that the artist has given us an insightful vision of life. There are no deep inner philosphies, no mystic truths, no weighty statements of life. What you see is what you get. And, what you get is very, very good.
Please click here to be taken to Alex's website where other treasures can be found.
I know you like Alex Fong, and this painting really shows why. He's a versatile and brilliant painter!