I spent some time taking a careful look at Ron Plaizier's Peregrine Falcon. The first thing that catches my attention is the positioning of the bird on Ron's canvas. For the most part, wildlife painters place their subjects in their natural background. And, from what I see of Ron's work this is pretty much the rule in what he paints.
By painting a side profile of the bird - he elevates it into portraiture status and he gives it a 'stand alone' dignity. We are, after all, looking at a bird of iconic stature.
Notice how Ron, tilts its head towards the light which shines down from the upper left corner. You can almost create a halo of light surrounding the upper beak and eye. Not just that, but the Falcon's eye is exquisitely rendered with reflected sky blues and even a slight cast shadow from its hooding brow feather. And, the longer I stare into the fowl's eye, the more I see. I like the way Ron captures its convex quality, and looks within it where he captures the smallest of blood vessels.
I also like Ron's soft blending of hues in the bird's beak, and the delicately wrought hair like feathers under the beak and eye.
All if this is the signature of an artist whose search for perfection is patiently
And, like any good artist, Ron applies the colours which he thinks best suits his ends. I found myself, as I so often do, studying the blending of hues within his whites.
Funny how it goes, for the best whites are invariably not bone white but gently bathed in a variety of such hues as soft glowing ochres and gentle warming pinks and oranges.
Its no wonder that Ron has presented his Falcon as he has. A majestic work, to be sure.
Artist's Comments:
Wow, well written. I really appreciate the level of observation you've given this piece and the profile piece you did on your blog turned out great as well.
As for my motivation in painting this bird I would say that I've always been intrigued by the Peregrine Falcon, which is known as the fastest animal in the world reaching speeds of over 320km/hr. Of all the birds of prey I would have to say the Peregrine in my favourite subject and it probably won't be the last painting I do of this majestic bird. The combination of sheer power and beauty all encompassed in this 3 lb bundle of high test energy I find simply amazing. If I can capture just a small bit of that energy, nobility and beauty in my painting, I will have served this bird of prey justice. I don't think I put a lot of in depth of thought into my art work, no metaphorical or hidden meanings. In that regard I would have to describe my style as contemporary realism. This may be something that will evolve in my work as I become more experienced, but for now I'm simply happy if I am able to bring some of the natural beauty from observing wildlife to the viewer. Nothing contrived and nothing complicated.
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