How many remember, the story of artist Michael Snow and Flight Stop from 1981. This magnificent flock of fibreglass Canada Geese hangs in Toronto's Eaton Centre.
Wikipedia Reports:
One of the most prominent sights in the shopping mall is the group of fibreglass Canada Geese hanging from the ceiling. This sculpture, named Flight Stop, is the work of artist Michael Snow. It was also the subject of an important intellectual property court ruling. One year, the management of the centre decided to decorate the geese with red ribbons for Christmas, without consulting Snow. Snow objected arguing that the ribbons made his naturalistic work "ridiculous" and harmed his reputation as an artist. Snow sued and in Snow v. The Eaton Centre Ltd., the court ruled that even though the Centre owned the sculpture, the ribbons had infringed Snow's moral rights. The ribbons were ordered removed.
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To view the Wikipedia article: Snow v Eaton Centre Ltd, please click here.
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