Years who has been as intriquing as Vincent Van Gogh.
I was looking at Robert Genn's Painter's Key, yesterday
and discovered that there is another theory afloat.
In 2008, Hans Kaufmann and Rita Wildegans, floated the theory which eventually became a book: "Van Goghs Ohr: Paul Gauguin und der Pakt des Schweigens.
Ann Landi, explores the theory of the missing piece of ear, in her readable article, "What They See in Van Gogh's Ear."
You can find this by chasing down this link in Art News.
I won't take away from Ann's column by advancing it on my blog, but I think you will find it a good read.
Also, if you have a spare hour or more, you may wish to check out this super documentary by Simon Schama. Another great BBC production.
YouTube - Simon Schama's Power of Art: Van Gogh 1/13
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