of art,you may wish to check out Robert Bateman's
Robert Bateman's Ideas,
I was drawn to his observations, titled, 'Bateman on Art.'
Above picture by: Birgit Freybe Bateman
Quotes to Reflect Upon
"During the 20th century an elite group has established itself as a sort of priesthood.....The curator and critic priesthood holds the keys to the kingdom of "High Art".
"The driving force was the myth of the artist as a rebel and the rallying cry was "If it has been done before, it's not worth doing again!"
"It is futile to march behind a banner saying "If it's been done before, it's not worth doing again!".
"When the books and articles started to come out and I began to become 'famous', I also began to get slings and arrows from certain Canadian quarters. Canadians are famous for doing this to other Canadians in similar circumstances. I guess that it goes with the turf."
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